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What We Do

Zingara 14
Brand Design Agency Manchester
Packaging Design
Brand workshop
Visual identity
Brand Design
Using strategy to build an impactful visual identity system that will communicate your brand’s extraordinary differences, highlight your positioning and help you demand attention.
Nod Secondry Packaging
Packaging Design Agency Manchester
Competitor research
Packaging structural design
Packaging Design

Packaging design is your brand's 24/7 salesperson. It needs to catch the eye of the passer-by, then communicate what the product is, why they should care, why your product is better than one sitting next to it, and finally, give them a reason to take action.

Other services

We also support clients in all areas of their brand touch points, including:

- Brand Strategy
- Copywriting
- Illustration
- Creative Direction
- Campaigns
- Social Media
- Photography
- 3D Design
- Motion Design

When everyone goes home, go big.
Cane Packaging 2

Our Go Big Philosophy

We refuse to add more noise to the world without reason. So, we take brands through our Go Big process. It's that one element within your business that genuinely sets you apart. It's ownable. It's intangible. It's defendable. It's radical. It's laser-focused. And it's the thing that once we find it, we amplify it within your brand to make your brand magnetic.

Have a project in mind?

Have a project in mind?

What are you waiting for?

  • Noramble
    First Floor, Swan Buildings,
    20 Swan Street, Manchester,
    M4 5JW
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